Counting On star Joy-Anna Duggar has been keeping in touch with the fans lately. Most of the time, Joy-Anna shares adorable pictures with her kids. She also took social media recently to share Gideon and Evelyn’s adorable reunion with their father, Austin Forsyth, after their quick vacation in Tennessee. Now, Joy-Anna is back to share another
90 Day Fiance star Deavan Clegg has been keeping in touch with the fans lately. Most of the time, Deavan shares updates about her son, Taeyang. Recently, Taeyang was diagnosed with childhood cancer. Family and friends of Deavan have been sending help since the heartbreaking news. Deavan’s mother, Elicia Clegg, also set up a fundraising program
Sister Wives fans have seen the struggles of the plural family throughout the years. It also appears that their situation is only continuously getting worse. Their never-ending problems also caused third wife Christine Brown to leave. However, fans think that children are the most affected in the plural family,  Some even think that Kody Brown is