Counting On star Jessa Duggar recently went headlines after sharing major updates about her pregnancy. Apparently, Jessa revealed that she’ll be having a hospital birth, which is against the family’s home birth tradition. Now, Jessa is back on social media to share wholesome stories about her kids, especially Ivy, who just turned 2-years-old last month. Jessa
90 Day Fiance star Andrei Castravet has been in a feud with Elizabeth Potthast’s family throughout the years. However, fans think that it will stay that way for quite some time. Apparently, viewers think that Andrei’s combative personality towards the Potthast family will remain the same for years to come, especially that Elizabeth backed him up
Counting On star Jinger Duggar has been busy promoting their final book club event next week. However, Jinger doesn’t forget to take care of herself and her family despite her busy schedule. Fans also took Jinger’s social media to praise her for looking healthy after admitting that she feels “hopeless” after her brother Josh Duggar’s arrest.
Counting On fans have been keeping their eyes close to Justin Duggar and Claire Spivey. Apparently, reports claimed that Claire might be pregnant, and fans think that it’s very possible. It all started when Claire commented in one of the posts of her sister-in-law, Joy-Anna Duggar. After that, eagle-eyed fans quickly noticed some strange activities in