Bailey Sarian Speaks Up! What’s Her Upcoming YouTube Plan?

Bailey Sarian from Instagram

YouTuber Bailey Sarian has a pretty big social media following. Her last YouTube video went up on December 19 and fans grew pretty worried over the past several weeks. After getting many messages, she finally spoke up and let fans know when she planned to return to YouTube.

“Hi friends, you miss me? I miss youuuu! I know, it’s been awhile [sic] since an upload. Don’t worry New Videos are coming towards the end of the month,” the 32-year-old addressed her audience in a YouTube post. “Been working behind the scenes trying to get stories researched/done beforehand. Normally I do my Monday videos week by week and my biggest frustration is always wishing I had more time to research a story/find more details.”

“I wanted to do 2021 different and get some stories completed/filmed ahead of time to prevent myself from falling behind week by week,” she continued, addressing her occasional absences. “If any of this is making sense lol. I guess it doesn’t matter either way but that is what I’ve been working on. I am ok, sorry to worry anyone! Miss you guys and thank you for your patience. I will be seeing you very soooooon <3 Stay Safe and Make Good Choices  xx Bailey Sarian.”

Mondays Haven’t Been The Same Without Bailey Sarian’s Videos

Bailey Sarian’s “Murder, Mystery, and Makeup Monday” series has been a weekly staple for many viewers. Mondays just haven’t been the same without them! Although Bailey continued to regularly post on Instagram and Twitter during her YouTube absence, fans continued to worry about her.

On January 13, she took the time to answer one fan’s Tweet asking about her well being. The “Murder, Mystery, and Makeup Monday” hostess says she’s just fine and took some time off for the holidays. She took some time off to enjoy the holiday season and now she wants to stockpile content so she won’t have to miss many more Mondays in 2021.

So if you’re a fan, keep your eyes peeled! There are only two Mondays left before February 1, so we may get more content soon. Check out Bailey’s YouTube channel to keep up with updates and new content.

It only makes sense that Bailey would want to take some time off to enjoy the holidays and not worry about posting. YouTube creator Philip DeFranco also regularly takes off nearly a month between December and January to rest, recharge, and come up with ideas for new content. It will be great to have more new content to dive into.

Are you excited for Bailey Sarian’s return? Which stories do you hope she will cover in the upcoming weeks? Let us know in the comments. We’re always curious to see what you have to say.

Nikole Behrens

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