Amy King Speaks Out Against The Duggar Family’s Beliefs

Amy King is the niece of Jim Bob Duggar, so her cousins are all of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 kids. Growing up, she spent some time with the family and even appeared on their TLC shows. In the past, Amy’s made it clear that she’s not a part of the Duggar family, and she doesn’t want to use their name for fame.
While Amy is a Christian, like the Duggars, she adheres to less strict values. Counting On fans know that the family follows stringent rules. For example, those in courtships don’t kiss until they tie the knot. The girls in the family are expected to wear dresses or skirts. The list goes on. Amy seemingly “broke” the family’s rules, but she wasn’t raised by Jim Bob, so it’s not necessarily a huge deal. She’s often referred to as the family “rebel.”
From what fans can see on social media, it looks like Amy is very close with her cousin, Jill Dillard, who’s also called a “rebel.” Of course, none of the things that Amy and Jill do are bad by society’s standards, but they don’t follow Jim Bob’s rules.
Now, Amy is openly speaking out against the family’s religious beliefs.
Amy King has a lot to say about the IBLP
On Instagram, Katie Joy of Without a Crystal Ball shared a post about Gil Bates, who’s a friend of the Duggars. Gil is the pastor of an IBLP (Institute of Basic Life Principles) church, so Katie also talked about the leader of that church, which she refers to as a cult.
In response to the post, Amy commented, “Gothard =creepy. Plain and simple. I went to a IBLP church thing once with a group of people and everyone pretty much walked around like robots. The kids had to learn long Bible verses in order to get a sticker. I don’t know it just felt very controlling. And no one was in yellow or black bc those are ‘evil colors’ I was so young but I remember telling my mom I was never going back.”
As far as fans know, the Duggar family is still a part of the IBLP, though some of the married kids may have branched off and started following a different branch of Christianity.
In the past, Katie and Amy have had conversations on YouTube, but Amy’s NDA seems to be getting in the way.
So, what do you think of Amy’s statement about the IBLP? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
For the latest Duggar family news, check back with Entertainment Chronicle.