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Twitter Users SLAM Opinion Piece Saying Jill Biden Should Drop ‘Dr.’ Title

Jennifer Havener
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The next First Lady of the United States will be Dr. Jill Biden. The college English professor has four degrees, including two Master’s degrees and a Doctorate in Education. On Saturday, December 11, 2020, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece about Dr. Biden’s title. The author – Joseph Epstein – suggests that she should drop the “doctor” title from her name. 

WSJ Op-Ed Calls Title ‘Fraudulent’

The Hill reports that Joseph Epstein is an“essayist and short-story writer.” In a long op-ed piece, the writer breaks down all the reasons that Dr. Jill Biden doesn’t deserve the title of “doctor.” In one part of the article, he refers to the future First Lady as “kiddo.” 

While Epstein concedes that she “earned” her doctorate, he dismisses her dissertation as “unpromising” The author of the piece then quotes a “wise man” who once said, “no one should call himself ‘Dr.’ unless he has delivered a child.”

The op-ed quickly circulated on social media, with Twitter users coming to the defense of Dr. Jill Biden. 

Twitter Users SLAM Op-Ed As “Sexist,” Misogynist,” “Trash”

The op-ed spread like wildfire on Twitter on Saturday, December 12. Throughout the day, reference to the article remained trending topics, including “Dr Biden,” “Doctor,” “First Lady.” The article was strongly denounced as “sexist and “misogynist.” 

One Twitter user wondered if Joseph Epstein wrote the same kind of opinion piece about outgoing First Lady, Melania Trump’s, education credentials. 


Another user pointed out that Epstein himself doesn’t have any advanced degrees, let alone four of them. 


Second-Gentleman Doug Emhoff Defends Dr. Biden

Celebrities, non-celebrities, and all kinds of doctors – medical or otherwise – spoke out in Dr. Biden’s defense. Even soon-to-be Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, came to her defense. He wrote that Dr. Biden “earned her degrees.”

Additionally, he doubts such an article would be written – let alone printed – if the subject had been a man. 

Does Dr. Biden Plan to Retire From Teaching? 

When Dr. Jill Biden was the Second Lady during the Obama administration, she kept teaching throughout the eight years. Come January, 2021, she plans to juggle her First Lady duties and her professor duties. 

In fact, she’s already started acting in the role of First Lady. She recently helped put care packages together for members of the military. Dr. Biden will also likely assist the Second Gentleman in his endeavor to end food insecurity. 

Credit: Dr. Jill Biden Instagram
Credit: Dr. Jill Biden Instagram

If you have a subscription to the WSJ, you can read the op-ed here. The Hill summarizes the more.. colorful passages. 

Do you think Jill Biden should drop the “Dr.” from her title during her time as First Lady? Let us know in the comments down below. 

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