Florida Pup Rescued From Alligator Gets Badge Of Honor

Florida pup deputy dog Gunner

Florida brings a feel-good story about a puppy rescued from an alligator back at the end of October. In an update for the story, the pup starts a new life in law enforcement. Now badged as a “deputy dog,” Gunner joins a Sheriff’s office. And, the happy news might cheer up your Christmas as 2020 draws to a close.

Florida pup rescued by a retiree, captured by surveillance cameras

Way too much bad news comes out these days. The coronavirus shattered many lives. And, we reported last month, that 32,000 staffers lose their jobs with Disney in 2021. Across the world, the mega-entertainment corporation lost staggering billions in revenue. And, things look unlikely to improve anytime soon. Especially with further lockdowns looming across the USA. So, heartwarming stories seem so much more important these days.

CNN first reported about the pup in Florida in November last year. Possibly, you saw it on social media as it totally went viral after a surveillance camera caught the action. The outlet noted that Richard Wilbanks, a retiree saw an alligator snatch his three-month-old pup. The incident went down in the pond situated in the backyard. Fearlessly, Richard, aged 74,  went after the alligator and literally tore his dog from the jaws of death. After the incident, the Florida resident required treatment for bites. Gunner visited the vet with a puncture wound.

Gunner badged by Sheriff’s office

Getting a badge in law enforcement no small thing. Now, fully recovered from his alligator encounter, Gunner received the honor from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, according to Fox13 News. Obviously, over the trauma, the pup becomes an official “safety and security officer for Deputy Dogs.” And, his owner seems thrilled by the honor bestowed on Gunner. First Coast News reported that Richard Wilbanks told the outlet he really “looks  forward to the program and meeting people.”

On Facebook Watch, the 4-month-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel licked the officer’s nose as he was asked if he promised to “uphold the constitutional law.” The heartwarming moment was followed by Carmine Marcine saying how fortunate it was that Wilkins rushed so fearlessly into the water after the alligator. Talking about Wilkins, he said that’s the sort of “tenacity” they look for in their “detectives.” Well, Gunner won’t be a detective. Instead, he helps kids learn about safety in Florida.

Florida Pup Gunner gets his deputy dog badge
Lee County Sheriff’s Office | Facebook

Reactions on feel-good Facebook video

Plenty of people commented on the video of the alligator pup. One person wrote, “I love the part where Gunner responded to each question by smearing the deputizer’s (sic) nose for ‘yes’ to each question and the Oath of office.” Then, another follower noted, “These are the smartest dogs. Yes, I can see this. And so cute.”

What did you think of the happy ending about the Florida pup who experienced an alligator attack? Now’s he badged as a deputy dog, do you think it’s one of the best stories of 2020? Sound off in the comments below.

mandy robinson

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