Why Did Meghan Markle Share About Her Miscarriage?

In the piece, she talks about the morning in July that it happened. She was getting ready for her day and waking her son up.
She writes:
“After changing his diaper, I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right.I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second.”
Since sharing her story with the world, she has gotten love and support. But, some readers think she should have kept this information to herself.
On Twitter, many people all over the world are expressing their opinions on the matter. It seems that some understand her eagerness to share, while others think she’s sharing for attention or to get “good press.”
Nonetheless, Meghan and Prince Harry have been intentional about their decision to talk about this family tragedy. They didn’t make this decision lightly, per a
Why did Meghan Markle choose to share now?
A source close to the family reveals to Vanity Fair that the royal family knew about the miscarriage when it occurred and offered support at that time. But, the rest of the world didn’t know that Meghan was expecting or had a miscarriage until now.
The source shares, “They decided that they wanted to talk about this and that this was the right time to do so.
They continue, “There’s a tone of hopefulness and optimism at the end of the article which I think shows where they are today. They are doing well.”
The source is referring to how Meghan closes her piece with, “Are we OK? We will be.”
Though miscarriage is not often talked about, more and more celebrities are beginning to share about their personal experiences. Meghan and Prince Harry hope to encourage others to talk about miscarriage because of how common it is and how rarely it’s discussed. One in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage, according to Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies.
Similarly, Chrissy Teigen opened up about her loss in the middle of her pregnancy. She shared raw images and words about the loss. While she too received some backlash, she was met with love and support from fans.