IMPACT Wrestling 3/2: Rating and Ranking Every Match

IMPACT Wrestling is coming off big news from last week’s show. Moose defeated Jake Something and his TNA Championship was officially recognized by the company. The X-Divison Title scene is also heating up, with a #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match scheduled. A Knockout Triple Threat is also on tap in the main event.
Each match at IMPACT Wrestling will be given a brief review and analysis. Then each match will be given a rating and be ranked from worst to best.
Matches Ranked from Worst to Best
Tenille Dashwood defeated Havok
Havok quickly uses her strenght and size to her advatange. Tenille Dashwood attempts various moves but each are countered by Havok until she’s caught up in the ropes. Back from a commericla break and Dashwood continues her offense in the middle of the ring. Havok is able to make a comeback, connecting on a kick to the head before Kaleb with K appears as a distraction. Dashwood connects wth a low-angle drop kick for the win on IMPACT Wrestling.
Match Analysis: I can appricaite the effort put in, but this was fairly basic and actually a bit sloppy at times. Take a Pass. *1/2
IMPACT Wrestling: 8-Man Tag Team Action
The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) & FinJuice (David Finley & Juice Robinson) defeated Reno Scum and XXL
The Good Brothers and FinJuice have tension between them but are doing their best to shake it off. Juice R0obsin starts off with Larry D but strugles until Doc Gallows is tagged in. The Good Brothers double team Larry D before FinJuice enter to do the same. FinJuice and The Good Brothers trade double teams in an attempt to one-up each other. The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on Adam Thornstowe for the win.
Match Analysis: This was more about furthering an angle than an actual match on IMPACT Wrestling. The build is clearly moving towards The Good Brothers and FinJuice, which should be fun. Skim It. **
Friendship tested
Eddie Edwards defeated Brian Myers
Matt Cardona is the special referre playing off his feud with Brian Meyers. Eddie Edwards is able to capitalize early using a belly to belly supex on Meyers who rolls out of the ring. Edwards connects on a plancha over the rope as we go to commercial. Back from the break and Edwards continues his onslaught on Meyers. Meyers is able to counter with an enziguri and a slam for a two-count. Meyers connects with a lariet but is DQ by Cardona after getting caught with a foreign object.
Match Analysis: Solid match that was used to build the feud between Cardona and Meyers on IMPACT Wrestling. Skim It. **1/4
X-Divison Action
Ace Austin defeated Chris Bey and Black Taurus
After winning a 6-man tag team match last week, all three members of the winning team face off with a title shot on the line. Ace Austin and Chris Bey double team Black Taurus to start. Taurus heads to the outside of the ring leaving Austin and Bey to chain wrestle inside. Outside the ring, Taurus catches Bey and slams him onto Austin as they return back inside.
Black Taurus uses his power to break down Ace Austin with a shin breaker and spinning elbow attack for a two-count. Bey enters and hits a DDT on Taurus for another two-count. Taurus sets up for a suplex on Chris Bey until Austin connects with a top-rope dropkick. Madman Fulton hits Bey leading to Austin getting the pin and the win.
Match Analysis: A solid match to start IMPACT Wrestling with all three guys working well together. Nothing that is a must-see, but some fun X-Divison action. Skim-It on the high side. **3/4
IMPACT Wrestling: Main Event
Non-Title Triple Threat Match
1) Deonna Purrazzo defeated Jordynne Grace and Kiera Hogan
Jordynne Grace and Kiera Hogan attack Deonna Purrazzo to start the match and toss her out of the ring before a commercial. Grace uses her power to land multiple strikes on Hogan before beign tripped up by Purrazzo. Hogan connects with multiple chops but Purrazzo reverses into a roll up for two. Purrazzo then locks in an armbar on Grace who struggles but is able to get to the ropes.
All three women hit their signature moves until Grace is able to get to her feet first. Purrazzo knocks Grace off of her feet before nailing Hogan with a rolling Exploder Suplex. Grace gets up and hits a double closline on Hogan and Purrazzo. Purrazzo and Hogan retreat outside but are met with a suicide dive by Grace. Grace misses a Vader Bomb on Hogan and is rolled up by Purrazzo who gets the win. After the match, ODB attakced PUrrazzo.
Match Analysis: Good main event with all three women putting in top notch effort. Triple Threat matches can be messy but this worked. Worth a Watch. ***1/4
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