WWE 205 Live 2/5: Results and Match Ratings
The hidden gem of the WWE Network continues to be the cruiserweight action on WWE 205 Live. An interesting tag team match is scheduled with The Bollywood Boys and Ever-Rise coming together. The main event of Jake Atlas vs. August Grey will cap off the show.
WWE 205 Live: Tag Team Action
Ariya Daivari & Tony Neese defeated Sunil Singh & Matt Martel
The Bollywood Boys and Ever-Rise have gotten on the same page and they chose a unique way to prove it. Matt Martel of Ever-Rise and Sunil Singh of The Bollywood Boys are teaming up on WWE 205 Live as Bolly-Rise. Neese and Singh start things off with some chain wrestling that goes both ways. Singh digs into an arm drag to keep Neese under control.
Tony Neese attempts a facebuster but he falls into yet another arm drag as Martel is then tagged in. Neese sneaks in a knee to the gut as Daivari tags in and lands several chops and right hands. Martel regains the advantage as Singh tags in but miscommunication results in both men crashing into each other. Neese and Daivari double team Singh, including a double suplex that gets a two count. Singh counters a double closeline attempt and makes the hot tag to Martel. Martel hits an overhead belly to belly suplex on both Neese and Daivari. A DDT from Martel to Daivari gets a two count.
Miscommunication for the win
Matt Martel whips Sunil Singh into Ariya Davri, followed by a Singh top rope elbow for a count of two. Singh and Martel attempt their own double suplex but it’s broken up by Neese. Martel rolls up Singh but gets nailed with a running knee by Neese for the win.
Match Analysis: A fun fast-paced tag team match. The Bollywood Boys and Ever-Rise have an interesting program running and in a perfect world, they’d get 20 minutes at Wrestlemania to showcase themselves. Worth a Watch. ***
WWE 205 Live: Main Event
August Grey defeated Jake Atlas
Chain wrestling to start with Austin Grey gainining the advantage with a side headlock. Jack Atlas takes control with a neck wrentch as Grey struggles to escape, inclduing a rough reverse that Atlas holds onto. Grey finally reverse as both men fight to control a backslide resuting in a roll-up by Grey. Both men exchange words in a stand up position before throwing right hands.
Jake Atlas hit a neckbreaker for two before landing several hard chops. Austin Grey gets control with a huricanrana and a dropkick before hitting several chops of his own. A bulldog to Atlas gets another two-count as both men engage in a chop exchange. Atlas then unloads with multiple kicks and a German suplex. After going to the top rope, Atlas is caught by Grey but still connects with a tornado lariat for two.
WWE: Fast-paced ending
The WWE 205 Live main event spills to the outside with Austin Grey leaping for a suicide dive to the outside. Back in the ring and Grey hits spinning highcross body for the win. After the match, Tony Neese and Ariya Daivari beat down both men.
Match Analysis: After starting slow, both men picked up steam and the match kicked into the next gear. With intriguing stories and solid in-ring action, WWE 205 Live continues to be a show worth keeping your eye on. Worth a Watch. **3/4
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